Community Service Projects

MOMS Club is dedicated to serving our community through service projects! Our Administrative Vice President, Taylor, is in charge of organizing the service projects for the year and is doing a fantastic job!!

Here are the 2013/2014 Service Projects that our chapter will be organizing:

1) Peanut Butter Drive: SEPTEMBER
Members collect/purchased peanut butter to donate to the South Hill Food Bank

2) Thanksgiving Basket Donation through Pilgrim Lutheran Church (donated $80): NOVEMBER
*Pilgrim Lutheran has allowed us to use their facility on a number of occasions, so we felt we would like to help them by donating the funds for one basket toward a local family in need. This is an annual project that Pilgrim Lutheran organizes, so our chapter will be buying one family a Thanksgiving meal with our $80 donation.

3) South Hill Food Bank Toy Collection and Toy Distribution: DECEMBER
*The chapter will use chapter funds to buys toys for this project. Members will donate NEW toys, as well as help to pass out the toys to families in December.

5) Family Renewal Shelter: Spring
*We will collect USED clothing for women and children and donated them to this local shelter that benefits families fleeing domestic violence situations. We were able to donate 2 car loads of clothing!