Thursday, May 29, 2008

Service Projects Update

What a great baby shower!!! We delivered two trunks full of items to Care Net. On top of items our moms brought in, we had $40 in gift cards and cash given so April and I went to Wal-Mart and picked up many packages of diapers and some outfits too. Thanks to all the moms who donated items. They were greatly appreciated.

This year was a great success for the March of Dimes walk. We raised $977 in total. The snow may have scared a few people away, but we did have some very dedicated walkers. We had Mandy Huffman and her husband Evan, Heidi Sweet with her 3 kids, and myself with my husband and two boys. We also had a non-MOMS club member walk on our team this year and raise $700 on her own. Tonya R. (a personal friend) received a $500 donation from her work Pierce Commercial Bank and an additional $200 from her coworkers. Thank you Tonya and everyone else for coming out and helping us raise money for this great cause.
- April

Thanks to everyone who participated on service projects this year and helped to make them a big success!

June President's Letter

Happy June, MOMS!

I can’t believe our MOMS Club year is over! This has really been a crazy year for me, and I want to take a few minutes to acknowledge and thank everyone for putting up with me and showing me so much support! As many of you know, I went back to school as a full-time student this year, and after taking 60 credits over the last 9 months, I will finally graduate this month. I have also spent this year serving on the board of Firgrove PTA and the Puyallup South Hill Co-op preschool. I could never have gotten through such a busy year and stressful time without the support and kindness that I received from all of you! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

This year our chapter has been lucky to have an awesome board, and I have been blessed to have each of them step up and do an amazing job. Each of them has really helped our chapter grow and develop into something that I know we are all proud of! They have given their time, energy, commitment and love to this chapter, and I really believe that it’s a better chapter for having each of them! In addition, they all have become a second family for me, and I love all of them and their kids dearly.

I am sad to be leaving my job as president this year, but I am so excited for the new board to take over and continue to grow this chapter from the amazing creation that we’ve all built. MOMS Club is so unique, so special, and so needed in all our lives and our community. I am so proud to have been a part of this incredible organization and to have been a part of this year. As my kids get older, I hope to still find activities that I can attend with them and alone because I would so miss the camaraderie and understanding that no one but a fellow MOMS Clubber can give!

Thank you all for such a fun and exciting year, I am blessed to know each of you and I look forward to the coming year – April, you’re going to do a FABULOUS job!!

Jill - President

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May President's Letter

Happy May, MOMS!

Can you believe summer is almost here? This year has flown by so fast, and now it’s May and we have so many fun and exciting things taking place for our MOMS Club family. It’s the time of year for our annual End of Year Banquet, which is an amazing time for us to get together with our friends and celebrate what a wonderful year we’ve all had.

We’ve done so many great service projects, helped our chapter grow and found ways to meet the changing needs of our chapter’s moms! This year we are going to treat ourselves to a private dinner at The Ram. Please keep an eye out for more info including an RSVP date!

A big thank you to the nominating committee this year for taking on the big job of contacting every single member and asking if they are interested in running for a position next year or nominating someone for a position. We’re going to have a great ballot for next years board thanks to all your hard work!

We also have fun activities this month; be sure to check the calendar for all the fun. I can’t wait to take advantage of all the nice spring weather and head to the park, check out some new activities, and just enjoy being outside! I hope that I get a chance to see all of you at some of our upcoming events.

Jill - President